🏗 🚧 Currently in testing! 🚧 🏗

Swapping Shifts. Without the faff.

Tired of desperately messaging colleagues to swap your shift?
There is a better way...

Find the Perfect Swap

ShiftChain helps you swap shifts with your colleagues. It's that simple.

Sync your Rota
Automatically sync your rota, just mark the shifts you want to swap and we'll do the rest.
Let the magic happen
Remember asking anyone and everyone to swap if they can swap? Soon you won't...
Search for the perfect swap
We'll find all the swaps that make sense and let you choose the one that works best for you.
Make it official... and relax 🥳
Make the swap on your rota and that's it!


How does it work?

Shiftchain uses your rota and privately compares it with all your colleagues (that use ShiftChain!). When you want to swap a shift, we find all the swaps that make sense and let you choose the one that works best for you.

The system is built with HealthRota in mind, but should work with most electronic rotas that provide a calendar link. Failing that, you can always import your shifts manually.

Who is behind ShiftChain?

ShiftChain is a side project designed(-ish) and built by Aliaksei Pilko. It was born out of second hand frustration from watching my FY1 partner spend ages messaging colleagues to swap shifts.

How much does it cost?

ShiftChain is free to use! I am just looking to make life a little easier for medics. While the project is relatively small, it doesn't cost much to run.
If you like it and want to support the project, you can buy me a coffee. This lets me spend more time making it more useful!